Facts About Pink Diamonds That Will Mesmerize You

Indeed, pink diamonds are intriguing because of their beauty and scarcity. Their allure comes with its limited supply and its formation. Here are some facts about pink diamonds that will mesmerize you: 

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Pink Diamonds are from Australia 

90% of the world’s supply of pink diamonds comes from Argyle Mine which is located in Western Australia. But experts show that it can also be found in other parts of the world like in Brazil, South Africa, India, Canada, and Russia. It is expected that the Argyle Mine will remain open until 2020.

Less than 1% of the output of Argyle mine are pink diamonds. With these, diamonds from this mine are considered as the rarest among the rare. With this, for each one million carats of rough diamonds mined at Argyle, only one carat can be used for selling. Pink diamonds are one carat on average. In each year, there are 40 to 50 carats of pink diamonds that are sold at a jewelry auction. 80% of the diamonds mined at Argyle are brown diamonds.

Pink Diamonds are Uniquely Created 

Other diamonds around the world are found in the kimberlite pipe. But for pink diamonds found in Argyle Mine, they are mined from a volcanic lamproite pipe.

Pink Diamonds are Rare 

The natural pink diamonds are stunning and they are scarce. There are a limited number of pink diamonds that exist around the world. There are around 500 quality pink diamonds which remain to be discovered.

Hard to Polish 

The pink diamonds found in Argyle have a complicated structure versus the white diamonds. Thus, it will take three to four times longer to polish it.

Mysterious Color 

We all know how other colored diamonds got their color. But there is only speculation on how pink diamonds got its colors. One theory is that it got its pink color from a structural flaw which is known as ‘plastic deformation’. It happens when the diamond is forced from the surface of the Earth. Then, the structure of the diamond gets altered which causes its deformation. With this, the flaw will force the stone to absorb the light different thereby emitting a pink color.

Pink Diamonds are not created the same 

There are different shades of pink diamonds. Similar to other colored diamond, they can be graded differently. It can be faint, very light, intense, or vivid. If the diamond has an intense color, this means that it is priced higher. Thus, a natural pink diamond that is graded fancy vivid is expensive versus light pink.

Moreover, pink diamonds have secondary hues like purple or orange. With this, you can never find a pink diamond in the market which will look the same.

Valuable and Expensive 

Pink ones are the most valuable colored diamonds. It may cost 20 times more than white diamonds. One carat of a pink diamond can cost $100,000 to $1 million, according to Argyle Mine. Its price will depend on shape, color intensity, clarity, and cut. The secondary color can also determine the price of the pink diamonds.